Community Engagement

Community Engagement Transportation


In the fall of 2015, we committed to reviewing our transportation model to ensure we continue to deliver safe, efficient and cost-effective transportation that is financially sustainable.

Parents, staff, students and other stakeholders had the opportunity to share their thoughts and perspectives through in-person and online opportunities this spring. These included:

  • Two small group workshops for CBE staff: March 15
  • 15 small group workshops for all CBE community members: April 6, 7 and 12 
  • One scenario-building workshop with members of the Transportation Engagement Advisory Committee (TEAC), CBE staff and participants from the April workshops: April 21
  • Two community forums to review scenarios created based on input gathered through workshops and April 6-17 online survey: May 3 & 4
  • Two online surveys: April 6-17 and April 29 - May 8
Outcomes of Engagement

Based on what we heard, we communicated decisions for transportation services for 2016-17 on May 31 and announced the direction we intend to take in developing our long-term strategy on June 22.

We will be continuing to talk with parents, students and staff in the coming year about aspects of our long-term strategy.

Last modified: 2/14/2020 10:51 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster