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Community Engagement Recent and Active Community Engagement

Recent and Active Community Engagement

School Planning Engagement

​Every year, schools gather feedback from familes to help inform decisions related to school planning, which includes the school development plan, school budget and school fees. Schools consider the feedback they gather along with fiscal realities, student learning results, staff expertise and other relevant data to improve student learning.

For more information, please visit your school's website and watch the short video below.​


​Proposed Move of Louise Dean Centre to Jack James High School

The Calgary Board of Education is committed to providing programming tailored to the needs of all students facing a variety of life situations, including pregnant and parenting teens. At the heart of student programming is the ability to allow students to successfully complete high school through a flexible approach that honours individual strengths and removes barriers to learning. As a demonstration of that commitment, we have been exploring ways to continue offering Louise Dean Centre programming, in collaboration with our partners (Kindred/Catholic Family Service and Alberta Health Services), at another facility.  ​Read more >>​


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Last modified: 3/21/2023 11:11 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster