We support and safeguard students as they develop online safety skills and learn to be good digital citizens in an environment that is safe, but that gradually broadens their experience. Schools, in collaboration with students and parents, establish guidelines for appropriate use of the internet through their school's digital citizenship plan and the appropriate filter level for the school. Digital citizenship is part of creating and maintaining a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe environment for everyone in the school community.
Our schools use digital and online tools to help students develop a deep understanding of both the benefits and the responsibilities of working in a truly connected and collaborative way. Active and productive members of the global community must learn to practice what it means to be good digital citizens.
Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship (DC) in our schools is
about having the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate responsible and respectful behaviour when using technology or participating in digital environments.
We are committed to preparing
our students to thrive in the 21st century. Digital citizenship
is key to helping CBE students
learn to use available technology responsibly to
enable them to reach their full potential as learners.
Each CBE school is required to have a digital citizenship plan that is updated annually. The plans address how a school will work to build a community where we live and work together as digital citizens. Schools use the CBE Digital Citizenship Competencies as a guide to create goals for their digital citizenship plans. The competencies are:
- Respectful
- Informed
- Involved
- Balanced
- Safe
- Responsible
Your child’s Digital Citizenship Plan can be found on the school website in Culture & Environment > Technology Tools > Digital Citizenship.
Web Filtering
Web filtering (content filtering) is a system that provides safe access to internet content. Inappropriate or unsafe content may be blocked: some content is blocked for all users, and other content may be suitable for older students but not for younger ones. Each school principal works with their school community to determine the best web filtering level for their school. Content filtering also helps to protect against computer viruses, malware, adware, and other information security risks. You can contact your principal for more information if you have questions about the filtering policy in place for your child’s school.