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Renting CBE Space

Renting CBE Space Public Use of Schools and Facilities

Public Use of Schools and Facilities

Schools and other CBE facilities can be used by registered non-profit organizations or societies when the use will not conflict with the school program or school needs. CBE Administrative Regulation 8004 and the Joint Use Agreement between Calgary Recreation, Calgary Catholic School District and the CBE govern the public’s use of schools and other CBE facilities.

Book a Space

Type of Rental Booking Information

Public Use (non-profit)

City of Calgary Recreation
Book a Gymnasium

School Connections YYC

School Connections YYC

Southern Alberta Heritage
Language Association (SAHLA)


Before & After School or Preschool


School Field Bookings City of Calgary Recreation
Book a Play Field
403-268-3800 option 2

Internal Bookings & General Information
CBE Facility Rentals

Types of Facility Rentals

Public Use

Non-profit groups can book through City of Calgary Recreation including School/Parent society activities.

Before booking, consider which type of space you want to use. There are two types of rental areas in a school facility:

  • Public Use Area including gymnasiums, multi-use areas and cafeteria eating areas.
  • Instructional Areas including classrooms, libraries and other spaces not deemed public use spaces. The school principal’s permission is required for public use of instructional areas.

School Connections YYC (SCYYC)

School Connections YCC connects schools with community-based non-profit organizations to access available space in schools for programs and services to support students and families. Programs and services can be offered in schools from school dismissal until public rentals times, these hours may vary depending on the school.

Non-profit organizations can offer programs and services, and School Principals can search for programs and services that will benefit their students.

Southern Alberta Heritage Language Association (SAHLA)

Non-profit Language Learning Groups that would like to rent a CBE school instructional spaces to teach a language as a Heritage Language School must be a member of the Southern Alberta Heritage Language Association (SAHLA). Please review the Southern Alberta Heritage Language School (SAHLA) Guidelines if your interested in renting instructional space from CBE.

Contact Facility Rentals if you would like an application package.

Wireless & Internet Access

Wi-Fi and Internet Access Terms and Condition for Rentals and Leasing CBE Facilities

 Contact Us

Facility Rentals

Last modified: 8/25/2022 12:20 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster