Students may bring their personal electronic devices to school as part of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) framework. They should understand how their device works and how its use supports their learning. The use of all devices are subject to approval by the school and the classroom teacher.
There is no requirement for students to bring their own device. Students will have access to devices at the school needed to support their learning.
Wireless Network Access - CBE Get Connected
CBE users who have a wireless enabled device that uses an Internet browser for connectivity can access the
CBE Get Connected Network. Students must use their device appropriately and comply with
Administrative Regulation 1062 – Responsible use of Electronic Information Resources. Ultimately, the teacher is the manager of the learning environment and will decide whether the device is being used appropriately.
Students are responsible for any devices they bring to school. The school is not responsible for technical support, lost, stolen or damaged items.
File Storage
At this time, connection to the CBE network is not available and students will not be able to print from their device in the school setting. Students may email documents, store them on their device, use their G Suite for Education Google Drive or store them within the Brightspace D2L locker.
Document Formats
CBE uses Microsoft Office for both Mac and Windows platforms and Google Docs. It will be important for mobile device users to become familiar with compatible document formats.