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Budget & Finance

Budget & Finance Operating Budget

Operating Budget

​Operating Budget 2022-23​​

The CBE believes in a strong public education system that supports success for each student.

Throughout the budget development process, our focus was on providing educational programming that meets the needs of all students while being responsible stewards of public dollars.​

On Feb. 24, the Government of Alberta provided ​​all school boards with some preliminary funding information in Budget 2022

Using the detailed information from its funding profile, CBE Administration developed a Budget Assumption Report (BAR), which was presented to the Board of Trustees on April 5. The BARlaid out the assumptions Administration used build the 2022-23 budget.

The Board of Trustees approved ​the 2022-23 budget​ at a public meeting on May 24, 2022. ​​​​

Following Board of Trustee approval, the CBE must submit a balanced budget to Alberta Education by May 31 in keeping with the Education Act.​​

See earlier budgets and financial information in Budget and Financial Information Archive.

Last modified: 3/13/2023 11:29 AM
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