In Science, students explore and investigate big questions related to the world around them. When students learn through the lens of science, they move beyond factual recall and develop the science-related attitudes, skills and knowledge needed to solve problems and make decisions. Students become lifelong learners through maintaining their sense of wonder about the world around them.
From Kindergarten to Grade 12 students build on their natural curiosities about everyday experiences. They explore, investigate and find out how things work in order to answer questions and satisfy their curiosities. Learning about science provides a framework for students to deepen their understanding and interpret the world around them. At each grade level, students explore topics related to: change; energy; matter; systems; interactions/relationships; forces; and diversity.
Studying science enables students to meet the challenges and opportunities that present themselves daily in a world where knowledge and technology is quickly changing and developing. Learners engage in disciplined inquiry in order to make discoveries, grapple with real world problems and consider the innovations of scientists who are making contributions to society.
In Science students are provided with opportunities to develop the competencies required of engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit.