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Building & Modernizing Schools

Building & Modernizing Schools Modular Classrooms

Modular Classrooms


Modular classrooms are temporary structures used to accommodate students when a school is full. They are often added when communities grow, then later removed as student enrolment stabilizes or decreases overtime. 

The provincial government requires a prioritized list of modular classroom requests from all school boards annually. Since 2006, Alberta Education has retained ownership of all modular classrooms provided to school jurisdictions. The decision to add, relocate or demolish existing modular classroom is dependent on provincial approvals and funding.

CBE Administration creates the list each year, the Modular Classroom Plan.  For the requests of new additions, schools with a utilization rate of 90% and above on September 29, 2021, were reviewed using Board approved eligibility filters for modular classroom and modular classroom ranking criteria.

As a neighbourhood’s school-aged population peaks and begins to decline leaving schools with lower utilization rates and modular classrooms that are no longer needed to support growth pressures, administration may request that these existing units be relocated or demolished.

Modular classrooms eligible for relocation can either be redistributed to other schools with growth pressures or return to Alberta Education. However, those identified for demolition are in poor condition with high operation and maintenance costs.

2022-23 Modular Classroom Plan

At the public board meeting on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, the CBE Board of Trustees approved the 2022-23 Modular Classroom Plan​​. ​The plan includes recommendations for the demolition of nine modular units and the removal and return of five modular units.

This year, as no modular classroom expansion is being requested, the five units recommended for removal and return be given back to Alberta Education.

The 2022-23 Modular Classroom plan is subject to approval by Alberta Education.

Modular Construction Projects

No modular construction projects are happening at this time.

Once approval is received from Alberta Education, updates on CBE’s recommendations for modular demolitions and removals will be available.  ​

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 Supporting Documents

Last modified: 2/10/2022 9:57 AM
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