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Recognizing Canadian Mental Health Week at the CBE
The CBE recognizes the importance of mental health and well-being in connection with the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week.
Introducing the Student Well-Being Framework
The Calgary Board of Education is proud to announce the Student Well-Being Framework.
Webinar: Substance Use Prevention
Join us Jan. 17 from 7 to 8:30 PM for the second session of the Child and Youth Well-Being for Families and Caregivers Series
Update | Illness in Schools
The CBE is taking a number of measures to reduce the impact of illness in schools
Truth and Reconciliation Day | CBE Flags at Half-Mast
The flags at CBE schools and buildings will be lowered to half-mast at the end of day on Thursday, Sept. 29 to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30.
Province Provides New Direction on Public Health Measures in Step 3
On June 15, the Government of Alberta moved to the final step of its three-step approach to lifting public health measures related to COVID-19.
CBE recognizes CMHA Mental Health Week 2022
The Calgary Board of Education recognizes the importance of advancing mental health and well-being in connection with the Canadian Mental Health Association’s 71st Mental Health Week, which runs from May 2 to 8, 2022.
Spring Update for Families | April 12, 2022
As we head into the last few months of school, please take a moment to review the following updates and reminders.
Update for Families | March 3, 2022
The CBE has been reviewing its health measures following the provincial announcement that it has moved to Step 2 of its three-step approach to lifting additional health measures.
Update for Families | Feb. 28, 2022
Over the weekend, the province announced it would move into Step 2 of its three-step approach to lifting additional public health measures on Tuesday, March 1.
Pink Shirt Day | February 23, 2022
On Feb. 23, show your support for welcoming, caring, respectful, safe, and inclusive school communities by wearing a pink shirt.
Update for Families | Feb. 11, 2022
Since Premier Kenney’s announcement about the lifting of COVID-19 health measures earlier this week, we have been looking carefully at how things will change in schools.
Update for Families | Feb. 7, 2022
While there have been discussions regarding the easing of health restrictions in the community, I want to remind everyone that current health guidelines remain in place in CBE schools until further notice.
Update for Families | Jan. 12, 2022
We are so pleased to welcome students back to school, but I know that with increasing cases of Omicron in the community, this can be a stressful time.
Update for Families | Jan. 6, 2022
On Jan. 5, Education Minister Adriana LaGrange confirmed that all students will return to in-person learning on Monday, Jan. 10, 2022.
Update for Families | Dec. 16, 2021
In a few short days we will close our schools for the winter break, and I wanted to provide some important system updates and reminders to you.
Centennial High School Teacher Honoured by Canadian Blood Services
For almost a decade, Centennial High School math teacher Jason Krause has organized and coordinated annual blood drives at the school.
Update for Families | Dec. 2, 2021
With vaccinations now available to children aged five to 11 and reports of the new Omicron variant of concern, we wanted to update families with current information.
CBE CARES Reports Now Available
'What We Heard' report reflects the perspectives of the parents, caregivers, students, staff, community members, and Indigenous Elders
Statement from the Board of Trustees | COVID-19 Vaccination Status
We would like to declare that each of us has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
CBE’s COVID-19 Immunization Requirement
The CBE continues to make progress toward implementing an immunization requirement for all employees, contractors, on-site partners and volunteers.
Update on Positive Case Notifications – Oct. 18, 2021
On Oct. 14, the Alberta government updated its guidance for schools regarding how school communities will be notified of positive COVID-19 cases.
Truth and Reconciliation Week | Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2021
The Government of Canada has proclaimed September 30 as the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation.
Update on New Health Measures – Sept. 15
On Sept. 15, 2021, the Government of Alberta declared a state of public health emergency and announced new measures intended to protect the health care system, limit the spread of COVID-19 and increase vaccination rates in Alberta.
Notification of Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Schools
Starting on Monday, Sept. 13, schools will begin providing notifications when families self-report an AHS-confirmed case of COVID-19 to their school.
Important Updates and Reminders for the 2021-22 School Year
We are so excited to welcome back all of our returning students, and all families new to the CBE.
CBE to Recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30
The Government of Canada has proclaimed Sept. 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
CBE Unveils Its First Permanent Pride Crosswalk
When students walk out the front doors at Jack James High School this school year, they will be greeted by a powerful symbol of acceptance: an inclusive Pride crosswalk.
Jack James High School to Celebrate Calgary Pride 2021 with Painted Crosswalk
Students at Jack James High School are welcoming the addition of a rainbow-coloured crosswalk at their school in what is a first-of-its-kind permanent installation for the CBE..
update | Registration Re-Opened for CBe-learn
Given the state of the public health situation, the CBE has decided to provide another opportunity for you to enrol your student in the centralized online school known as CBe-learn.
2021-22 School Re-entry Information
Many families have questions about the health protocols that will be in place for the start of the school year.
2021-22 School Re-entry for Schools on the Modified Calendar
This message is intended for families on the modified calendar only. Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year.
Positive COVID-19 Notifications after June 30, 2021
Alberta Health Services will continue to work with the CBE to ensure school communities are notified if any students may have been contagious with COVID-19 while in school.
East Side Dance Festival 2021
East Side Dance Festival Overcomes COVID-19 difficulties to provide students with online performances opportunities.
17 Years,129 Brave Kids, $50,000 | Andrew Sibbald Students Shine!
Andrew Sibbald School recently held its 17th annual event in support of The Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information from the Chief Medical Officer of Health
Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw is receiving questions from parents and guardians about COVID-19 vaccines.
Statement on the Kamloops Indian Residential School Burial Site
The Calgary Board of Education joins Canadians across the country in honouring the lives lost at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.
CBE Recognizes CMHA Mental Health Week 2021
The CBE stands with organizations across the country in recognizing the importance of mental health during the Canadian Mental Health Association’s 70th Mental Health Week from May 3 to 9, 2021.
Update for Families | Apr. 28, 2021
Alberta Education has approved the CBE’s request to have students in Grades 7-12 continue to learn from home for an additional two weeks.
CBE Recognized as a Leader in Cleaning with International Certification
The CBE has been recognized as a leader in its efforts to create clean and healthy environments for students and staff in our schools.
Update for Families | Apr. 14, 2021
Starting Monday, April 19 students in Grades 7-12 will transition to at-home learning for at least two weeks.
Update for Families | Mar. 25, 2021
During the spring break, Alberta Health Services will continue to work with the CBE to ensure school communities are notified if any students may have been contagious with COVID-19 while in school.
A Message from Our Chief Superintendent | Feb. 24, 2021
The CBE is committed to providing inclusive learning and work environments.
Team Gio Successful Fundraiser Supports 300 Students
Mark and Lauren Giordano, The Italian Centre Shop, the Flames Foundation, and the Calgary Italian Open continued supporting the needs of students and their families.
Update for Families | Jan. 8, 2021
As we continue to follow provincial direction, all of our schools will be resuming in-person classes on Monday, Jan. 11.
Update for Families | December 15, 2020
We are only a few days away from a well-earned winter break. It has been exciting to see how schools have managed to continue with charitable acts and seasonal celebrations in fun and unique ways this month.
Update for Families | November. 30, 2020
Starting Nov. 30, students in Grades 7 to 12 are learning at-home until in-person classes resume on Jan. 11, 2021.
Important Update | Grade 7-12 Students Moving to At-Home Learning Starting Nov. 30
Since the government announced on Nov. 24 that all Grade 7-12 students would move to at-home learning on Nov. 30, we have been working to provide more details about what that will look like for your child(ren).
Update for Families | November 24, 2020
This afternoon Premier Jason Kenney announced important new health measures for all K-12 students in the province, including students in the Calgary Board of Education.
Bullying Awareness Week | Nov. 16-20, 2020
Each year in November Canadians take time to focus on bullying in all its forms, and explore new ways of addressing this prevailing social issue.
Update for Families | November 12, 2020
We are committed to keeping you informed about changes we are making as we work together to keep schools and workplaces healthy during this pandemic.
Update for Families | October 30, 2020
New COVID-19 Symptoms Checklist and Positive Case Communication
If a Student is Sick or Has COVID-19 Symptoms
With ever-evolving information about COVID-19, it can be confusing to know what to do when your child feels unwell and when you are able to safely return to school.
Update for Families | October 14, 2020
I would like to thank all of our students, staff and families for the work they have done over the past few weeks to adjust to the new health measures in place in our schools.
Re-entry Update for Families | August 27, 2020
We are now only a few days away from the start of the 2020-21 school year.
Re-Entry Videos and Update for Families | August 26, 2020
As we prepare for school opening next week, we have created a series of videos to help our families better understand and see some of the different health measures that will be in place when schools open for in-person learning on Sept.1, 2020.
Re-entry Update for Families | August 20 2020
As we get closer to September, we know there are many questions and lots of information still to be shared before students return to school.
Re-entry Update for Families | August 14, 2020
I want to highlight some key decisions and information as we get ready to welcome students and staff back into classrooms this September.
Re-entry Update for Families | August 6, 2020
We wanted to provide an update on our re-entry plans as we continue to refine the details of how we will return to in-person classes under Scenario 1 next month.
Re-Entry Plan for September Released
Schools will be in Scenario 1 on Sept. 1
Re-Entry Planning
We continue to work on our planning for what the next school year will look like for students and staff.
Racism and Schooling: Public Education Plays an Important Role
I have heard from CBE staff, students and members of the public who are calling on us to do more to address racism in our schools and workplaces.
A Message from our Chief Superintendent – Safe, Positive, Inclusive, Equitable and Welcoming Learning and Working Environments
As a learning organization, we have a responsibility to support our students and families as we learn to confront racism and disrupt old patterns of thought and behaviour.
East Side Dance Festival Inspires Students and Creates Virtual Community
Like all big events planned for this spring, the East Side Dance Festival will be showcasing the incredible talents of students online while delivering workshops virtually.
A Message of Gratitude from the Board of Trustees
This week is Education Week in Alberta. Every year, we have the opportunity to recognize the important role that education plays in our society.
CBE Issues Temporary Layoff Notices
1,900 CBE employees received temporary layoff notices, effective for May and June, 2020. This is in response to a provincial reduction in our 2019-20 budget of $21 million that is being redirected to the fight against COVID-19.
Fee Refund Process for Families
Thank you for your patience as we work through the fee refund process after COVID-19-related class cancellations.
All City and School Playgrounds Closed
The Calgary Emergency Management Agency announced that the city is closing all playgrounds - including school playgrounds.
Continued Learning Update for All Parents
We greatly appreciate your patience, support and understanding as we work with principals and teachers on how we deliver and support learning at home for our 124,000 students.
COVID-19 Update
As you are aware, the government of Alberta accepted the recommendation of Dr. Hinshaw to cancel classes.
Update | CBE Cancels International Student Trips
The CBE believes in the educational value of international travel and that the safety of our students and staff is of highest importance.
Statement | CBE Cancels Student Trip to Spain
The Calgary Board of Education believes in the educational value of international travel and that the safety of our students and staff is of highest importance.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update For CBE Families
Alberta Health Services has asked the CBE to distribute the following information on the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov).
Statement | CBE Cancels Some International Trips
The CBE believes in the educational value of international travel and that the safety of our students and staff is of highest importance.
Supporting Student Mental Health in Schools
Supporting and promoting the mental health of students and staff in the CBE is an essential aspect of learning.
Celebrate National Child Day Nov. 20
National Child Day is celebrated annually on Nov. 20 in recognition of Canada’s commitment to upholding the rights of children and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Hats Off to CBE Schools for Cutting Waste by the Ton
It’s been about 10 years since the CBE began implementing waste reduction and recycling measures across the system, and by all accounts we’ve really taken out the trash.
Life-Saving Autodefibrillators Becoming Standard Equipment at CBE
The CBE’s Safety Advisory Services (SAS) department has been working to equip all of our schools with Automated Electronic Defibrillators (AEDs).
Mental Health Supports at the CBE
To kick-off Mental Health Week, we are excited to announce additional mental health resources to support educators and students.
Bullying Awareness Week is November 12-18, 2017
Bullying Awareness Week promotes bullying awareness, prevention and positivity.
CBE Teacher Uses Personal Experience to Teach Kids About Resiliency | MetroNews Story
Alison Downey-Isaak had her leg amputated below the knee nearly three years ago.
Students Cycle across Canada without Leaving their Classroom
Grade 5 Spanish Bilingual students at Westgate School are recognizing Canada’s 150 by cycling across Canada, conducting research, and sharing along the way!
Kids Helping Kids by Taking A Spin
Over 300 students, staff and community members participated in the second annual “Ride of the Chief’s” Bike-A-Thon
William Aberhart High School Receives $9,900 Grant From GoodLife Kids Foundation at Spin4Kids Event
William Aberhart High School ALP received a $9,900 grant from the GoodLife Kids Foundation.
"Be Brave" Schools Fill the Saddledome on Pink Shirt Day
The Samuel W. Shaw Storm showed they know how to PINK it forward when they participated in the Calgary Hitmen and Telus “BE BRAVE” partnership.
Breaking the Ice – On Mental Health
Staff and students at Forest Lawn High School are breaking the ice and opening up conversations about mental health.
Supercub | Mayor’s Christmas Food Drive
It has become a tradition for the students and staff at Chris Akkerman School to participate in the Mayor’s Annual Food Drive.
Louis Riel School Students Raise Money for “You Can Play”
Students decided to raise money for the “You Can Play” organization, which is dedicated to ensuring equality, respect and safety for all athletes without regard to sexual orientation.
Georges P. Vanier Students Shoot Hoops with the Calgary Stampeders
Georges P. Vanier School hosted the Calgary Stampeders basketball team for their 2017 season opener on March 2.
Information About Mumps from Alberta Health Services
Important information about Mumps from Alberta Health Services.
CBE Wears Pink to Stand Up to Bullying
Pink Shirt Day is an opportunity for everyone to wear something pink to symbolize that as a society we will not tolerate bullying.
Eye See…Eye Learn | January 2017 Lighthouse Award
Having an eye exam early in life can detect health and vision problems that would go undiagnosed, drastically affecting a student’s opportunity to learn.
Artist Residency Opportunity for Grade 12 Students
Alberta College of Arts and Design’s Student Association is offering student residencies for Grade 12 students.
Awakening of the Drum Ceremony
Grade 3/4 students at Piitoayis Family School took part in an Awakening of the Drum Ceremony when Anishinaabe Elder Doreen Roy came to visit Friday, November 4th.
Mustard Seed Benefits From New Brighton School Family Evening
Several hundred students, staff and family members gathered at New Brighton School on December 7 for a memorable Warm Feet for the Street family evening.
Calgary students stuff socks for homeless people (Global News)
Students at Sunalta School took part in what has become an annual tradition, putting together items to donate to the Mustard Seed.
North Haven School makes Calgary a Winter Wonderland
It is winter but it was too cold to be a wonderland - until the North Haven School community met for their outreach evening on December 8.
Hockey and Cancer Help Teach Perseverance at King George School
Penbrook Meadows School students benefit from monthly community lunch program
Once a month at lunchtime, the Seva Food Truck visits the Penbrooke Meadows School and delivers a free lunch.
Olympic Heights students give warm winter welcome to young refugees (Global Calgary)
Grade 3 students at Olympic Heights School sewed gift bags for 100 refugee children who’ve recently arrived in Calgary.
Get your tickets for the 6th Annual CBE Night with the Hitmen
Join us on January 20th for the 6th annual CBE Night with the Hitmen!
Louis Riel Students Showcase the Best Part of Me
There are many new and old faces that make-up the GATE and Science student and teacher population at Louis Riel.
Marlborough School Serves Up Healthy Breakfasts
Marlborough Elementary School began offering daily breakfasts to students as part of Alberta Education’s School Nutrition Pilot Program.
Creating Caring Citizens at Coventry Hills School
At Coventry Hills School, we do it by making our virtue work part of each and every day!
CBE Student Shines at WE Day
Students at We Day received a uniquely local message from Madeline Clark, 2016 graduate of Bowness High School.
Altadore School students celebrate a successful harvest
Altadore School students, staff, parents and community are celebrating the grand opening and Harvest Festival of the Altadore School & Community Edible Garden.
Message from Alberta Health on Fentanyl
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Last modified: 11/3/2019 2:18 AM
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